Our ultimate goal is to blend reality with video games and surprise gamers with never-seen-before photorealistic visuals.
What is it that you love about Zaragoza? What makes it the perfect place to open a development studio?
It is difficult to have an objective opinion about something you are deeply in love with. But I’m fond of my homeland, and really proud of where I live. They call us maños in other regions of Spain, and we are known for how stubborn we are, in addition to having an interesting accent.
I’ve traveled around the world for the last decade and it is still my favorite place. It is intimate, warm, and welcoming. Yet it's big enough to be filled with life, both during the day and during the night. To put it in context, it is close to San Francisco in its number of inhabitants, which is also one of my other favorite cities ever.
One of the key values of Striking Distance is “People First”. Due to the current pandemic, we are all currently working remotely. While that hasn’t prevented us from being united as a strong team, we are looking forward to getting together in person again. We believe that the best results are obtained from a united team, and having a great quality of life surrounding our studio will allow for stronger connections inside the team. Think of a coffee, having lunch together in the extensive restaurant offering, or taking a beer to disconnect after work. Zaragoza is an amazing place for all of this to happen.
But in short: the food, the beautiful terraces, the weather, the friendliness, the quality of life, the nature around it -- I feel lucky.
How have you been managing working from home? Any tips you'd like to share that have helped you work better?
Before joining Striking Distance Studios I'd been working remotely for almost a decade, so it wasn’t a difficult transition.
But I expected a challenge in building a team working from home, which was not the case. From day one, we have built a friendly environment here in SDS Spain through constant and effective communication. I feel like we have already created strong personal connections, helping to foster a culture of positivity, respect, passion, and support.